Cloud Translation: Security in 5 key points

When your translation solutions are hosted on cloud servers, they can be vulnerable to a variety of cyber threats, including data leakage outside of your organization or hacking into your sensitive data. To mitigate any data loss when translating your corporate documents, focus on 5 key points of a secure cloud.

Focus #1: Data Storage

Some translation solution servers store translated data. However, this practice is not necessary, let alone required, for instant text translation.

For file translations, such as PDF documents, storage is done only to enable additional functionality. This storage is only for items that are useful and visible to the user. If necessary, this storage can be programmed, for example by modifying the tool’s settings to automatically delete the translation obtained after a few days.

Choosing and configuring a cloud-based data translation solution correctly allows you to retain ownership of any confidential and strategic information that should, by definition, not leave your company’s information system.

This also responds to security issues to preserve your business, but also to the RGPD and the obligation to comply with it regarding the use of personal and sensitive data.

To avoid any penalties and keep your data safe in the cloud, choose a solution that guarantees RGPD compliance.

Protocol and encryption

When servers exchange data, it must be encrypted to be secure. HTTPS secure encrypted protocols between microservices is the bare minimum – and TLS protocol is highly recommended.

Data is encrypted before it is translated, then encrypted again before it is sent. This is the most secure process, but it makes the translation process more cumbersome: encryption takes time, and the repercussions can be costly to your business.

Focus #2: Software infrastructure

A siloed architecture

A partitioned architecture can allow you to avoid the application of the CLOUD Act, which authorizes American states to access your data under certain conditions, as long as the company managing the Cloud is American, even if the Cloud server is on European soil.

One of the solutions is the partitioning of the Cloud infrastructures, which allows isolating the regions. With this type of Cloud architecture, your data is protected.


Firewalls must be placed on the server to filter incoming and outgoing traffic on your translation Cloud.

Security policies should be established by the company in advance to limit access to the server based on user IP addresses.

For even more protection, setting up a private computer network with a single point of entry, which becomes the only possible access to the network, greatly limits the possibility of data leakage.

Focus #3: Software compliance

Software should be subject to pentests, translation clouds are no exception. A pentest consists of trying to inject code or flaws into a system, software or application. These penetration tests are managed by the translation solution vendor or by service providers.

Pentests are usually performed during regular major and/or minor releases. Find out about the latest releases and their regularity, as these tests are not systematic.

If you are a customer of these solutions, you may have to perform a pentest on the solution you are using yourself. Check the clarity of the security incident response process: who deals with the detected problem? How to resolve the flaw? What is the timeframe for resolution depending on the type of breach?

The planned response is just as important as the pentest process itself.

Focus point #4: OWASP commitment

The mission of the NGO Open Web Application Security Project is to improve software security. They provide best practices on web projects, including translation projects.

Does the translation solution you use commit to the best practices of this world-renowned cyber organization?

Focus #5: Cloud monitoring

In order to have a secure network and protected data, the detection of security issues (intrusions, data leaks, malfunctions) is essential to deal with them as soon as possible.

It is therefore necessary to rely on a service provider who will monitor the Cloud at all times, and be alerted by e-mail or notification in case of a problem. The provider must be accountable for the way it monitors the solution (service level, RGPD compliance…) to guarantee the security of the solution used, and by extension that of your company’s key information

Security is a key point in the choice of your Cloud translation solution, to maintain the confidentiality of your strategic and sensitive data. These five points of attention will ensure that your data is well used and your translation cloud is well managed.

To learn more about the risks of translating sensitive data, download our Ebook.


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Benjamin - Data Security Specialist
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